شبکه الحصى البلاستیکیه عباره عن غطاء ثلاثی الأبعاد بنسیج قرص العسل وله تطبیقات واسعه فی الطرق أحادیه الطبقه ، من الانزلاقات الأرضیه إلىجدران هاجوسیل متعدده الطبقات ولها طبقات واقیه.توفر...
Geocell is a three-dimensional honeycomb-textured coating material and it has a wide range of applications, from single-layer road ground, landslide to multi-layered retaining walls and protective barriers. The geometry of geocell provides a natural drainage structure and prevents the filling material from being damaged by hydraulic flows. By doing...