نماد سایت گروه آرین خاک ایرانیان

Construction of algae breeding pond with geomembrane

Construction of algae breeding pond with geomembrane

Algae, also known as water cow, refers to organisms that look like plants and grow in water.
Algae live near water and their roots are not known at all. Of course, it should be noted that algae are not plants, and this term has been mistakenly popularized among people.
The root of the word algae goes back to these two words: jal + bek:

The first part means fabric

The second part means frog, which means the shelter of frogs.

The simplest organisms with chlorophyll are algae

Algae can be seen in different environments, but water is the best place that has the most amount of algae.

Application of algae cultivation pool with geomembrane

Confectionery and food industry as an anti-constipation agent

making cake


Yogurt and cheese

Water purifier

Providing feed for livestock

As fertilizer in agriculture

leather manufacturing



Making dentures

algae breeding pond with geomembrane

Application of algae breeding pond with geomembrane in the preparation of medicines

Algae have wide applications due to having special polysaccharide compounds and also special medicinal compounds. The medicinal properties that have been mentioned for algae are many, including as a laxative in digestive system constipation, as a healing agent for digestive system ulcers, and as an anti-parasitic medicine for the digestive system, as well as in reducing blood pressure, reducing blood fat, reducing excess weight, and preventing arteriosclerosis. Algae are used. Even in some sources, the power of these plants against the HIV virus is also mentioned. It is also possible to deal with cold sore virus by using algae.

Application of algae breeding pool with geomembrane in food supplements

Algae have complete proteins with amino acid chain (unlike plants) which are produced in the metabolic processes of algae such as energy and enzyme production. Algae have significant amounts of simple and complex carbohydrates that are useful for the human body as a rich source. Specifically, sulfated carbohydrate complexes strengthen the body’s immune system. The presence of fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 in algae has turned them into valuable food sources that increase the amount of energy production in the consumer, and algae also contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and rare elements.

Application of algae breeding pond with geomembrane  as biofuels

Today, algae are becoming the main sources of biofuel production in the world. Macroalgae are fast-growing marine plants that do not require arable land, fertilizers, or fresh water. These features and characteristics have made them a very suitable food source for bioethanol production.
Meanwhile, microalgae fuels are also important because microalgae have a high growth rate, are cultivated in non-cultivable land with low water content and in salty waters. Also, compared to terrestrial plants, they have a higher ability to fix carbon dioxide. The most well-known algal fuels are bioethanol and biodiesel, which can replace petroleum diesel.
The importance of algae breeding pond with geomembrane in aquatic ecosystem

Algae are very important as a food source for fish, mammals and other animals. Therefore, algae indirectly have a very valuable value for humans.
Microalgae such as Chlorella and Tetraslamis, Isochrysis and Pavlova are used for aquaculture. Many aquaculture companies use chlorella and spirulina. Some microalgae are used as a source of natural pigments for shrimp, salmon, and ornamental fish. Microalgae are used directly and indirectly in the larval culture medium to feed the larvae.

Benefits of aquaculture using microalgae

The concept of aquaculture with the help of microalgae is the conversion of organic materials in waste water into biomass by the growth of microalgae, as well as the use of this biomass to replace part of the aquaculture feed and strengthen the safety of aquatic animals. It can accelerate the removal of carbon dioxide, oxygen production and create an environment Suitable for aquatic life.

Using microalgae to grow fish

The production of oxygen by microalgae reduces the risks of oxygen depletion and makes it less necessary to use traditional aeration devices that consume a lot of energy.

The presence of microalgae in the fish breeding tank may limit the growth of undesirable or toxic microorganisms and create a suitable environment for aquatic life. As a result, the amount of water replacement and the related costs are also reduced.

Since the safety of aquatic animals is increased by using microalgae as nutrition, as a result, excessive use of antibiotics or drugs in aquaculture can be avoided.

Aquaculture wastewater can be treated by advanced microalgae biotechnology at low cost.

Also, by using biomass, it is possible to supply a part of aquaculture feed and reduce the cost of fish breeding.

Application of algae breeding pond with geomembrane for water and wastewater treatment

Algae have a high capacity to remove a wide range of pollutants from all types of wastewater. Urban wastewater contains large amounts of organic and mineral substances, but its oxygen is very low.
One of the easy methods used in water treatment stations to treat this type of wastewater is to create shallow and wide cement ponds.

is a lot The growth of algae in these ponds and the photosynthesis process by them increases oxygen. As a result of the increase in oxygen, the number of aerobic microorganisms in water increases and the produced oxygen reaches their consumption, and microorganisms are responsible for decomposing the remains of organic substances in sewage.
The growth of algae as a purifying plant in sewage channels is also important. These algae consume nitrates and phosphates to carry out their metabolic activities and release oxygen by carrying out the process of photosynthesis, and the released oxygen helps aerobic bacteria to be active in the decomposition of sewage raw materials.

The use of algae breeding pond with geomembranes in agriculture

In order to succeed in the production of agricultural products, it is necessary to choose suitable plant material and meet its needs. A correct understanding of plant growth, knowing plant needs and managing their consumption is the key to success in production. The increase in population growth and the need for food has caused an increase in the area under cultivation and an increase in production per unit area. In this regard, mankind has achieved good results. One of these achievements is algae, which play a very important role in various parts of human life today, such as food industry, animal nutrition, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, dyes, chemical and fuel production.

The use of algae breeding pond with geomembrane in livestock farms

Algae can be a useful food supplement for livestock, poultry and aquatic animals. In the experiments, it has been determined that using algae as fodder for livestock has increased the milk yield by 10% and even increased the butter and fat content of the milk without changing the taste of the milk. Many vitamins and minerals are found in seaweed, so the use of seaweed in the poultry industry has had significant effects. It has been shown in experiments that chickens fed with seaweed lay more eggs and the resulting eggs contain more iodine and carotene.
Macrosis tis is also used to feed domestic animals because it is rich in vitamins A and E

Advantages of constructing

an algae breeding pond with geomembrane

Use low and medium light

No need for agricultural soil

No need for fresh water

Compatibility with different waters

The possibility of cultivation in all parts of the country

Reducing the production costs of buying livestock and poultry feed

Creating employment for coastal residents

High demand for algae products in the world

Short-term production cycle

Low cost to get started

High profitability

Environment and conditions of algae breeding pond with geomembrane

Algae grow in surface environments where there is sunlight. which are harvested in cold, temperate waters. Algae in the natural environment such as the sea and rice fields, which are very suitable places for the growth of algae, and in addition to natural environments, you can grow algae in geomembrane pools.

The best structure for building an algae breeding pond  with geomembrane

For the construction of an algae breeding pool with geomembranes, the greenhouse structure is the best structure for production and implementation, because due to natural light, the cost of energy (electricity) is reduced and it also increases your production by 30-50%.
If you don’t have the conditions to build such a structure, you can control the temperature (30-37 degrees) from the room, basement and any other structure.
You can even build such a greenhouse structure on your roof and have a medium-sized workshop with good income.

Construction of algae breeding pond with geomembrane in Ariankhak

Determining the type, species and dimensions of algae cultivation ponds will require preliminary studies of production plans.

Calculations, design and production of all kinds of algae cultivation ponds, specific to the project in different dimensions, are carried out by the Arian Khak engineering team.

Algae cultivation ponds of Arian Khak Company can be produced in different sizes and shapes depending on the fish species and project specifications.

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